Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Stephanie Cherry loves her 3-D fiber lash

She didn't even tell me! So, I'm scrolling along looking at my Facebook newsfeed when I see a picture of a friend of mine. She has these beautiful long lashes in the picture and I thought I'm going ask her if those are 3-D fiber lash!!! She recently purchased them from my website, but I haven't heard from her since then. I had previously asked her to send me before and after pictures so that I could share them on my business Facebook page. She never did so I thought she must just be a busy mom!!! She replied back within five minutes saying why yes they are and I absolutely love them, they are amazing! Of course I asked her if she wouldn't mind if I snagged the picture and repost it as well. Within a few minutes I had one of her friends asking where can I get this magic mascara!!!! 

This stuff really is amazing! One of the best parts I love about it is it's affordable, it lasts three months, it is 100% natural, the fibers are black and also made of green tea. 

Get yours at

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